
Similarities Between Genesis 1 And 2

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Amber LaCourt Professor Thompson RST 0121 2/20/18 Reaction Essay #1 Question: Please describe and explain the 2 creation stories in Genesis 1&2 and focus upon their differences in style, voice and context. What is your reaction to these differences? In both creation stories in both Genesis 1&2, which opens up in the Hebrew bible in the creation stories of God. God was a spirit that was created into this world to cast away the darkness and to create the world into light, land, and the living creatures along with it. He did this in the matter of six days, creating everything one by one. On his final day, God thought of his reason to make humankind and start the human race (TCN). In the passage it’s as God making a man out of dust and a woman …show more content…

Adam and Eve both were placed in the garden of”Eden”, they were both were encouraged to procreate/reproduce offspring to start the human race. According to the passage, both Adam and Eve were forbidden to eat from the tree that was both good and evil. Instead of listening, Eve eats the forbidden fruit and ends up sharing it with Adam (TCN). Both were soon filled with guilt and shame because they knew that they did something that they shouldn’t have done. Soon a serpent ends up cursing the couple for by claiming that Eve will have a very painful childbirth (TCN). On the other hand, Adam was cursed by having to work for food and eventually they were both banned from the garden. Later on, Eve and Adam gave birth two sons named Cain and Ebel. Cain, a farmer who offers God a portion of his crops that ended up being used as a sacrificed but to only learn that God had a special spot for Ebel instead (TCN). Unlike like Cain, Abel was a herdsmen who ended up giving a portion of his

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