Introduction It has been researched that the human and the chimpanzee genome are similar by 98% -99% (Bergman.J and Tomkins.J, 2012), and gives the idea of humans and chimpanzees having a similar way of thinking. Is it possible for us to have the same approach to life? If that is true, it can be shown that chimpanzees are just as intelligent as humans showing that they may have a theory of mind. This question was asked by researchers Premack and Woodruff in 1978 and after that many attempts were made with evidence to test if this answer is a yes or no. The question of ‘do we comprehend the same way’ and ‘how close are our personalities’ comes in the path, so the answer cannot be a simple yes or no because there are many things chimpanzees …show more content…
A chimpanzee may be able to understand but their reactions are still according to their nature as wild animals which make them fail to understand human goals. The aim of this research is to test if chimpanzees have psychological personalities and if they do, how is it similar or different to humans. What is their level of intelligence to general reactions to human everyday situations will expose their personalities. Just like humans, every individual has different ways of presenting themselves and it may be difficult to come to a finite conclusion. For instance, one person may approach an argument in a calm and logical manner but the next person could become violent and handle the situation in an abrupt manner and with reference to chimpanzees they may have a similar approach which leads to having different personalities. Exploring personality types highlights the aspects that allow for responses because our personalities tells a lot about we approach situations and how we approach situations says a lot about or personalities, it works both ways. It is then very possible to measure the intelligence of a chimpanzee by exposing them to situations and unravel their …show more content…
Theory of mind and that idea came about in the 1970’s where two scientists Premack and Woodruff . Their research was based on chimpanzees understanding human goals. If they did, they would definitely have a theory of mind and that would be they have personalities. Their emotions are link to their personalities likewise to humans. Experiments were conducted to see how chimpanzees reacted to different situations that were set aside for humans. One experiment included the retrieving food in a competition against a human. The chimp was smart enough to understand that there was competition and immediately chose a way to retrieve the food in a way that the human would not see. Although these chimpanzees had positive feedback on all these experiments that were done, there was still no evidence that they understand false belief which is the knowledge of predicting the reaction of another and regenerate an action out of the situation. Basically it is unknown if the reaction is out of personality. It has been observed that chimpanzees’ social understanding comes about by the observation of other’s behavior just like how humans develop, but it does not end there. Even if chimpanzee don’t understand what false belief is, they do not perceive the surface behavior of others and learn mindless behavioral rules as a result. In all the experiments done, it shows that chimpanzees do understand human goals and their reactions are