Similarities Between Iuk And Indiana University

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Indiana University Bloomington (IU) and Indiana University Kokomo (IUK) are both branches from one overall university, just placed in separate towns. Both colleges offer many degrees and majors, but this still leaves people wondering what one college has that the other doesn’t. While different, many similarities exist between IU and IUK. The tuitions to get into IUK, and the to get into IU are very similar in ways. The instate tuition to get into IU is about $10,388 (“Indiana University Bloomington”), as for the in state tuition for IUK it is $8,341 (“Indiana University Kokomo”). This is only a $2,047 difference. The out of state tuition for IU is about $33,241 (“Indiana University Bloomington”). The out of state tuition for IUK is $19,779 …show more content…

From business, to psychology, from music, to medical. IU offers around one hundred and sixty-nine majors (“Indiana University”). IUK offers about thirty-one majors (Indiana University Kokomo”). That means IU offers around one hundred and thirty-eight more majors than IUK. IUK has most of their students apply as health majors, thirty-six percent of their students as a matter of fact (“Indiana University Kokomo”). IU however has most of their enrollment in business majors (“Indiana University Bloomington”) Showing that one school’s enrollment for business majors is higher than the other, and that the other school’s enrollment for health majors is higher than the …show more content…

Kokomo’s population is mostly made from the college kids that attend IUK (Indiana University Kokomo). Bloomington’s population is also mostly college students, people living on and off campus, during the summer and the school year (Lawalin). Both areas around the colleges are small, focused more toward the college students themselves. Kokomo’s area has many apartment buildings just for students looking for another place to stay (Indiana University Kokomo). Bloomington also has apartment buildings and complexes, but they are not there just for college students (Lawalin). Housing at both of these colleges appear fairly simple, yet special. IU offers coed dorms, along with single dorms, women’s dorms, men’s dorms, married- student apartments, and more. (“Indiana University Bloomington”). IUK also offers coed dorms, single dorms, women’s dorms, men’s dorms, and other services when it comes to housing (“Indiana University Kokomo”). Both universities have a wide range of housing options to choose from. IU has around thirteen dorm rooms that most students stay at (Lawalin). IUK has a couple of dorm houses to stay in (Indiana University Kokomo). This is defiantly less that what IU

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