Similarities Between Martin Luther King Jr And Susan B Anthony

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Imagen what the world would be like if Martin Luther King Jr. and Susan B Anthony never presented their impactful speeches that changed history. For one component life would be more restricted and filled with violence and discrimination. Women would still look upon from a society point of view as weak and less than a man. The US constitution might even be changed to favor men. African Americans or any other race, of color, would be in fear, persecuted, and separated from the rest of society. Let alone having no privileges of a US citizen. There are so many away each and every individual would be affected if these two-monumental people didn’t change history to affect the world we know today. Although their speeches contain a surplus of similarities and differences between Kings and Anthony’s speeches differences are …show more content…

Whether it was against race, or sex both authors were denied their civil, and constitutional rights. It was a hard uphill battle to find justice, both authors campaigned large political movement risking their lives, dignity, and social rank. However, Instead of having a protest that involved rash violent actions, they lead a peaceful protest and achieved the impossible that made a louder voice in history then a violent reaction would have ever done. By look at the difficult situation both of them were in they had to but into contexts of all the emotions and social event/ rights that were happening. Their odds for success were almost slim to none they both power through and stood strong using their present situation whether positive or negative to empower their speeches to radiate in every heart to change history. Despite the number of context similarities King and Anthony had they both also have multiple differences in terms of the context, they wrote their speeches in. for instance, King wrote his speech in a time of utmost fear. Fear that repeated in every heart of the American Community.