
Similarities Between Mlk And Frederick Douglass

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Martin Luther King Jr. and Frederick Douglass were a couple of the many mistreated African Americans in ways of different injustices. These two men worked in different ways for the same cause; becoming a free man with equal rights. Social and Racial injustices limit the successfulness a person can have in life, however with perseverance, one can push through the barriers that are placed before them. MLK and Frederick Douglass both persevered in the following ways: education to understand the ways of the people, rallying to bring people hope for the future, and not letting the words and actions bring their fighting to an end. Frederick Douglass was a slave to, what it seems like, multiple families; however he did not realize that he was missing …show more content…

MLK was arrested in Birmingham for holding a peaceful protest but he said that “In your statement you asserted that our actions, even though peaceful, must be condemned because they precipitate violence.” King compared this accusing to an idea of a robbed man being the criminal to a robbery considering he had the money that precipitated the idea of robbery (Letter from Birmingham Jail). These words could have hindered King’s ideas; however, he pushed on through the negative connotations and provided more ways for blacks to stand up for their first amendment rights. Douglass, in a very similar way, was being forbidden from the idea of education. He heard his master talking about how he was not meant to be educated: blacks were only meant for slavery. A slave that has education “would forever unfit him to be a slave. He would at once become unmanageable, and of no value to his master. As to himself, it could do him no good, but a great deal of harm. It would make him discontented and unhappy (Douglass Online). Words like these could really bring a person down; however, Douglass used them as motivation to pursue an education in hope that one day it would put him on top of the people that control what he does and does not do every

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