
Similarities Between Night And Night By Elie Wiesel

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Where is hope placed in your life? From time to time it’s hard to keep this hope in a specific place, because eventually something or someone that comes into your life can move hope so far it becomes lost. Night, written by Elie Wiesel, talks about how his and other’s life throughout the holocaust completely changes. How life’s are crushed in a blink of an eye, and how humanity loses their true identity, due to what they may believe in. Taking this into Schindler’s list, directed by Steven Speilberg. The difference in this movie, is that Oskar Schindler is part of the Nazi party that basically shows his point of view during the holocaust. In Schindler’s list and Night the content shows us how hope is shifted to many areas, although there are …show more content…

It wasn’t a very easy living for them from the years 1933 - 1945. Lives were slaughtered and burned, while treated anything like garbage. There were similar scenes in Schindler’s list when a character Amon Good, wakes up in the morning, takes his gun and starts shooting at Jews that were peacefully sitting or wandering. It was nothing even close to human. Something oddly strange about this, is why would the Nazi’s go a pathway so illegal and inhumane, just to get rid of Jews? This question may run through our minds, but in reality, Adolf Hitler, a Catholic German man who was the head of the Nazi parties decided to get rid of Jews. The reason is because their beliefs strongly interfered with the purity and community beliefs of Germans. At the same time in Schindler’s list Oskar, may have been part of the Nazi party, but his actions, and feelings changed throughout the movie giving the audiences a clear view of how hope changed him. When in the beginning, Oskar really wanted to start earning more money by starting a company and having Jews work in it. For him to begin this, he needed a good accountant, so he found and pulled over a Jew named, Stern. It took some while for Stern to agree, but eventually he did. With this benefit, Oksar came to this town as a regular man, and more into the movie he becomes more known, more rich, and eventually very smart and sneaky with his ways and

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