Similarities Between Otto Dix And Kelly Durette

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An artwork can express and expose an artist’s private world. An artwork can imbed hidden messages and tell a story about the artist’s personal life and experiences. Two artists who explore the human condition in their series of work are Otto Dix and Kelly Durette. Amore De Mori by Kelly Durette and The nun created in 1914 by Otto Dix have two very similar subject matters but created for two different reasons. Both artworks depict images of a nun but in different ways. Otto Dix depiction of a nun is more abstract. It uses a palate of darker tones to split up the form of the Nun. Otto Dix highlighted the nuns face, using lighter colors such as the orange and green shading which straight away draws the eye in to her face to create a focal point. Dix has balanced the color by using the same tones in the hand. Dix has created strong and deep lines to create emotion in her face. …show more content…

Kelly’s Nun has no creases or emotional lines that define the Nuns emotions. Instead she imbeds more detail and creates more of a three dimensional look by showing the nun’s muscles through the skin. The Nun’s heart is drawn on the out side of her chest with a knife pricing through the heart. Kelly’s creates this detailed look by the fine use of lines and shading, which show the depth of the portrait. Like Dix, Kelly has used similar colors in the same areas to highlight certain feature that the artist wants to draw the viewer’s attention

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