Similarities Between Rugby And Snowboarding

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Task 2 Introduction Many activities can be considered sport, recreation or physical activity; many of these activities will fit in to all of the categories’. By taking the examples of rugby and Snowboarding, which have there own features and aspects that fit them within the classification of sport, recreational and physical activity. Sport As defined by Mick Green (Green M, 2013, p12) for an activity to be classed as a sport it includes certain components, such as institutional Associations, competitive elements, structure and contain a acceptance that the activity can be classed as a sport by the Media. Within Rugby the RFU stand as the official governing body of rugby union in England (RFU, n.d.). Although the rules have changed and progressed over the years, the basics of Rugby’s competitive elements have stayed the same, as each league or tournament match carries a level of competitiveness for the teams, as every Win or Loss will denote how well they do in a tournament or league table. In comparison, snowboarding also contains features that can class it as a sport. …show more content…

These show similarities to the case study on Andy Russel (The Open University, 2014,p33) were he suggests the importance of the friendliness. As associated with a recreation definition by Mick Green (Green M, 2013,p13), the social aspect merely consist of a friendly atmosphere between the participants. For many people who snowboard this is easy to see, as snowboarding is mainly a winter season activity, many people will only take part in snowboarding for one week a year with friends or family. Although people can have personal challenges or goals these are not truly competitive issues, personal goals can be a driving force to improve their skills and style whether they enjoy Freestyle or back country (Snowboard Riding Style Defined,

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