Similarities Between Tea Caake And Janie In Their Eyes Were Watching God

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Tea Cake and Janie were madly in love--to the effect that nothing else mattered in life, but the continual intactness of their bond. In Their Eyes Were Watching God chapter 16-20 this fact becomes increasingly undeniable. The two are so completely immersed in one another's compassion that they fail to see even the obvious things, risking death opposed to facing separation. Their love was the only thing they valued, even their lives paled in comparison. The love shared between Tea Cake and Janie was the only thing that mattered to them. Particularly in the case of Tea Cake, who never ceases to show his everlasting love for Janie. Every action taken by Tea Cake strengthened the argument of his ardent love, even when looking at his less attractive …show more content…

For this reason, they were oblivious to the oncoming hurricane regardless of all the signs. Despite watching all the Indians and animals run away, they remain uninfluenced. Such a pattern of reasoning is only comparable to that of a insane person. After contracting rabies from the dog, Tea Cake began to lose his mind. This, coupled with his insane relationship caused him to go completely ludicrous. For this reason, at the slightest thought that Janie didn’t love him anymore from his question, “Whut you slip off from me just now for?” he concluded that he had no further reason to live. From his perspective, at this moment, he lost his loyal employee that was willing to follow him anywhere. As can be seen from the descriptive diction, Janie “slipped” from his loving grip. In his dying opinion, he no longer had any reason to live. He would die soon enough, but Janie stood, as a living remembrance to his anguish. Therefore, he believed he had to eliminate her to enable himself die in piece. At the moment Tea Cake shot the first bang, the love in the relationship was shattered. Hence clearing the fog, finally enabling Janie for the first time make an insightful decision. This decision being, the life of a dying ex-lover versus her own free unknown future. As she aimed her rifle and pulled the trigger, she made the decision of herself over Tea Cake. All in all, choosing to