Similarities Between The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Nighttime And As A Driven Leaf

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The well-known term "tortured soul" can be used to describe characters in many books, but it is seen especially in the books The Giver, The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Nighttime, and As A Driven Leaf. The term "tortured souls" refers to people who experience intense emotional suffering to the point where it could traumatize them. They often have gone through terrible, horrifying experiences, and most of the time they are dealing with a difficult inner conflict. This could affect their entire personality and overall well-being. People who have “tortured souls” are burdened by themselves and feel trapped within themselves. People with “tortured souls" are seen in everyday life or on TV, but they are most commonly read about in books. All …show more content…

Whether from their experiences or if they were born with it, they can all be described as tortured Souls. The Giver is a book about a futuristic society where the officials try to make all its citizens the same. Parents can have a certain number of kids, and every child in the community gets the same present for each birthday. At the age of 12, each child would receive a lifelong job. Jonas, who is the protagonist of the book, received the job of the receiver. He went to study under the giver who passed the memories of the past to him. Near the end of the book, Jonas runs away, because he knows society has to change. By doing this, he is releasing all of the memories he obtained until that point into the community. In the book, the Giver is the "tortured soul". His story is seen in his tired eyes and wrinkled face, which appears much older than he actually is. It's seen in his white beard, that he must always be too tired to shave. He's lived a life of hard work and misery since he has to keep his knowledge from everybody else. He can never be a normal man, since he's been in isolation ever since he received the unlucky job of …show more content…

Abuyah is his dad who taught him Hellenistic Culture and hired him a Pagan tutor named Nicholaus. When Elisha was ten, his dad died and his uncle Amran became his new caretaker. Amram is very religious and he taught Elisha how to become a rabbi by putting him in the care of Joshua. Elisha grows up, gets married to Deborah, and gets accepted into the Sanhedrin. Eventually, Elisha begins questioning his faith and is excommunicated. He leaves everything and escapes to Antioch to live with his friend, Pappas. There, he becomes close friends with a girl named Manto. Elisha continues his quest to find proof of a God. After some time, a war breaks out between the Jews and Romans, and a plague spreads. Elisha is given the option to give the Romans information about the Jews or die, and he chooses to save himself. After the war, Elisha is forced to face his actions during the war. In the end, Elisha dies alone without any friends or family, never having completed his quest. In the book, Elisha is a " tortured soul”. He keeps thinking that if he completes his quest everything will be okay and go back to the way it was, he will feel accomplished and successful. He doesn't understand that nothing can go back to the way it was. All the people who he lost on the way, and all the people who he turned in to save himself won't come back. Until his last moment of life, he didn't understand that he threw his life away to pursue a

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