
Similarities Between The East And West Egg In The Great Gatsby

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The Comparison/Contrast Between The East and West Egg in The Great Gatsby Throughout the novel The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald shows the difference in society between two social classes East and West egg. One can see the difference in how people act in their own community vs being in another.
Throughout F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel The Great Gatsby, The East and West Egg are compared and contrasted because they both are rich known neighborhoods, that come together often when Gatsby throws extravagant parties every weekend.

East and West Egg are two identical places separated by the horrible valley of ashes in long island. Fitzgerald shows another symbol how they are not only physically separated but how the two are unique and distinct. Throughout the novel it seems the West …show more content…

The Buchanans are a family of east egg Tom Buchanan was born in a wealthy family and married his wife Daisy into this money. The Buchanans are seen as stuck up in the novel while tom and gatsby feud over Tom's wife Daisy Gatsby's life long sweetheart.

F. scotts fitzgerald the Great Gatsby goes into great detail about the differences between the East and West Egg and there comparison and contrast by giving many details. Fitzgerald shows how two societies can be alike but different with the east and west egg one community is seen as a perfect community “A Mans Dream” and the other is seen as a corrupt town full of reckless rich people. The two are separated physically and socially because the East egg is built off of old money and the West egg is built off new money.
Work Cited

"East egg moves west." The Wilson Quarterly, vol. 32, no. 1, 2008, p. 69+. Student Resources in Context, http://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A174010727/SUIC?u=lawr16325&xid=d36be9ea. Accessed 8 Mar.

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