Similarities Between The Great Depression And 9/11

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History is not just past events, it will be today and it will be tomorrow. Provided the chance, most history majors or enthusiasts would want to go back in time to experience history first hand. but the people of today will be the ones that future generations are looking back on with the same enthusiasm. The three national episodes that impacted the world I live in was The Great Depression, The Cold War, and September 11,2001. The events that occurred during The economic depression and the political tension following World War 2 between NATO Allies and Western Powers such as the United States has affected many aspects of the world . In Addition with the traumatic events of the terrorist attacks on September 11th, not only America has accrued changes but so has the world. The Great Depression was thought to have come into being through the Stock Market Crash of October 29,1929 through the New York Stock Exchange but this imprecise thinking is what has affected the views of Americans on the United States Economic state. The meager state of the Stockholders banking was actually contributed by the loss of more than forty billion dollars two months after the October stock crash. (McNeil) Notwithstanding, the stock market was not able to regain its former economic status. Thus leading into the Great Depression, otherwise known as the …show more content…

America was expected to go into a slight recession before the market crashed so many people invested in stocks with their own money or with borrowed money. The consumption rate of goods had faltered, leaving many goods sitting and ultimately slowing production. While this was going on, Stock prices were on the rise and on October 24, many people began to dump money into the stock market, waiting for it to burst over. A 12.9 million shares were traded for that day, known as ‘Black