Similarities Between The Lion The Witch And The Wardrobe

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The Lion the Witch and the wardrobe is a movie based off a book written by C.S. Lewis. The movie has many parallels to the Paschal Mystery; which is the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. However the plot of the movie is not similar to the Paschal Mystery, they are very different. But their are moments in the movie that are similar to Jesus’ Life, in the time of His crucifixion. The first parallel is when Edmund, the brother betrays his siblings and the beaver, to the white witch. This would be a parallel to when Judas betrayed Jesus. Another parallel is when Aslan told Lucy and Susan, that it was his time to go. When it was Jesus’ time to go h said it was his hour. Jesus knew it was time for him to die for us. Aslan also