Similarities Between The Truman Show And Fahrenheit 451

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The audience and readers may not always understand the importance of a small character in the protagonists' character development. The Truman Show is a movie directed by Peter Weir while Fahrenheit 451 is a book written by Ray Bradbury. Clarisse and Sylvia have many differences however have many similarities. Both Clarisse and Sylvia play big roles in the protagonist’s character development in their respective worlds. Clarisse and Sylvia have many similarities when it comes to their effect on others, more specifically Clarisse has a big effect on Montag while Sylvia has an effect on Truman. Clarisse has a huge effect on Montag; she helps him grow as a character by making him question his reality. Montag starts to question himself after Clarisse …show more content…

Afraid of firemen, I mean. But you’re just a man, after all” (Bradbury 5). Montag is surprised because he did not realize people feared firemen so much. After all, he was completely oblivious to it. However, people are so afraid of firemen because if they are caught with a book, the books will be burned, their house will be burned down and if they resist at all they will be killed. Clarisse continues to amaze and make Montag question the world around him but also what he is doing when she states “You’re not like the others. I’ve seen a few; I know. When I talk, you look at me. When I said something about the moon, you looked at the moon, last night. The others would never do that. The others would walk off and leave me talking. Or threaten me. No one has time anymore for anyone else. You’re one of the few who put up with me. That’s why I think it’s so strange you’re a fireman, it just doesn't seem right for you, somehow” (Bradbury 21). This quote shows her attempts at trying to get him to understand what is going on in the world. She continues to keep talking to him and saying stuff that seems weird to Montag but is the truth about their world. She says “You’re not like the others” (Bradbury 21) …show more content…

Clarisse describes herself as anti-social while talking to Montag when she says “I’m anti-social, they say. I don’t mix. It’s so strange. I’m very social indeed it all depends on what you mean by social, doesn’t it?” (Bradbury 26-27). People describe her this way. After all, she is not normal in their world because she likes things other people don’t like anymore. She does different activities like smelling flowers or whatnot rather than sitting around and watching tv all day. She would rather go outside and have a good time and socialize. When Clarisse and Montag are having a conversation about the people in society she says “People don’t talk about anything” (Bradbury 28). She talks about how people in her society don’t have normal conversations anymore and are essentially boring. However, she is not this way through her actions she loves conversing with others. She is always trying to talk to Montag or the people around her because she wants to have normal conversations again instead of boring and basic conversations. In The Truman Show, Sylvia takes similar but different actions. Truman and Sylvia are on the beach when they kiss and after she is taken because Christof is worried she will tell Truman about everything going on. However, she makes sure to get a message to Truman letting him know about the world around him (The Truman Show). She