The Characters in both Things Fall Apart and The Poisonwood Bible are exposed to different surroundings including cultural and physical surroundings. These surroundings make many of the characters more dynamic throughout the books, but at the very least affect most of the characters in one way or another. The Price family in The Poisonwood Bible are more affected by the cultural shock and geographical surroundings then Okonkwo and the people of Umuofia from Things Fall Apart. The settings in these novels affect these characters in a deep way and changes so much about them. Okonkwo’s world changes when the missionaries change the entire culture of his people and the culture and surrounding of the Price family in the Congo changes them The most …show more content…
Ruth May has fun experiences with the fellow children and starts learning that their games are much different then the games she played like hide and seek or Mother may I? The cultural surroundings make her a more observant person and she is able to see the drastic differences in each others lives even at her young age. Leah Price was a very dynamic character and her surroundings had changed her very much. She was fascinated by the people of the Congo, how these women were able to carry and balance items on their head so easily and how fascinating the Congo really was. She was devoted to her father and her religion but quickly lost it while in the Congo. She became someone who really cared for the Congo and was passionate the social injustice of the …show more content…
Adah felt that she wasn’t a freak unlike how she felt back home because so many people in the Congo had missing limbs and handicaps so no one looked at her as if she was so different, besides the color of her skin. She was also very affected by the physical surroundings one night when there was a large swarm of ants on the village and there was no way she was able to save herself from almost being trampled to death, that was when she finally realised that she truly cared about her life. This lead her to becoming a doctor in the future and putting her intelligence to the test and finding a cure for her disease and overcoming her limp.. In Orleanna’s case the physical surroundings (green mamba snakes) had taken her youngest daughter Ruth May from her and had affected her like nothing else in her life had. She was finally able to act for herself and her family once again. She left the village where they were staying and took Rachel, Adah, and Leah with her. She and Adah eventually made it back to the United States, something that may not have happened without the effects the physical surrounding had on her. This may have been the best outcome for Orleanna and the Price sisters. If Orleanna wasn’t affected in these ways they may have continued living in the village and perished alongside