Similarities Of Athens And The Athenian Government System

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Athens and Sparta were two of the most powerful city-states in ancient Greece. They both share a lot of similarities as to using the same language, fighting style, and mythology. At the same time Athens and Sparta held a lot of differences as to their education, government system, and treatment. To begin with the Spartan and Athenian government system wasn’t very alike, while the Athenian government held three leadership roles during war who were elected by assembly noting that anybody who was a Citizen in Athens could run; these leaders were called Kings or Archons. Other government roles that the Athenians’ had was the council of five hundred, citizens over the age of 30 would be chosen arbitrarily; these people proposed laws to the Assembly …show more content…

Sparta held five leaders called Ephors; these leaders controlled the rest of the government and would also declare war, but like the Athenians they were only in power for one year and could only run once. The Council of Old People was another part of Sparta’s government; it held 28 people over the ages of 60 they would suggest new laws but the assembly would determine if these laws were suitable, the Council of Old People would serve for life. The two kings who would be elected by assembly serve for life and would not be able to declare war. Last but not least the assembly, all citizens over the age of 30 who were all elected had the choice to vote for laws but not to contribute and make …show more content…

The Athenian military boys go to school 6-17 it is a requirement that when they turn 18 they would go to military school where they learn to fight in war although this only lasted about two years and then could graduate from military school. The reason why the Athenian military is much different from the Spartan’s military. At the age of seven Spartan boys are confiscated from their families and sent to military school until the age of 30. If Spartan men were married they wouldn't be allowed to be with their wives until they have graduated. Whilst the Athenian's military life only consisted of two years, the Spartan's entire life was based upon the military and it was a necessity that they serve till they reach the age of