Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God By Jonathan Edwards

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Jonathan Edwards had a certain way of influencing society. He Preached in a common style ,but this style was used to preach to prisoners and Edwards used it on church goers. He didn’t stand up on stage and say, ask forgiveness and you'll be answered.No, Edwards says what will happen to you if you don’t, and explained it in details. This preaching method changed people's perspective to seek forgiveness, and make a choice to except God.Edwards struck the society through emotion. Edwards explained to the people harsh things that could happen.He doesn’t want you to think you can do what ever you desire, and you think God will forgive you without asking for forgiveness.Edwards defines a sinner as you are in danger of hell, or people have not yet repent.He even states in the sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry god" "O Sinner! Consider the fearful danger you are in...". This method is making other fill with scariness. Being in serious danger is a position no one wants to be in. This makes his audience change there way of thinking, instead of thinking there just going to hell, he gives them details he goes in depth of just non-stop burning. One detail is "...a wide and bottomless pit full of fire of wrath". This one sentence could've scared many enough to …show more content…

This shows the people with soft hearts, to seek for forgiveness, and don’t let your past make you. To not be afraid to change and ask for forgiveness. This method causes a big impact because many start questioning themselves, start feeling down, and that is when they actually sit down and think. Edwards puts so much in there head , and its gets them in there emotions. That when someone gets in there emotions, there mind starts changing things around, its strikes there heart, causing them to ask for