Sir Gawain's Camelot Analysis

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In an age of chivalry and knighthood there is one mysterious and young boy who goes by the name of Terence. One day while Terence is hunting in the woods for food he has a chance encounter with a man who will change the future of all of England. This man’s name is Gawain, and he is traveling to camelot to be eventually knighted by the great King Arthur. Recognising the skills that Terence poses as a skilled hunter and cook, Gawain convinces Terence to join him as his squire on his quest to Camelot. After finally reaching Camelot, Gawain is knighted by the king and is then told to prepare for battle. Soon Gawain finds out that five nobles that once were loyal to Arthur have grown ambitious and plot to overthrow him. Terence and Gawain leave