Sir Robert Peele Essay

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Sir Robert Peel was an English Prime minister and reformer. Peele is referred to as the founder of modern policing. In the book Economic development, crime and policing: Global perspectives by Lemieux, F., Heyer, G. den, & Das, D. K. (2014). p. 46, Peel is noted as recognizing the need for paramilitary policing that answers to a central authority. According to the National Police Association website, the term paramilitary is defined as an organization similar to military force. Today, this type of organization can be observed in the use of ranks within policing. Additionally, the use of paramilitary model of training is still used by law enforcement agencies. During Peel’s time as a politician, he put forth preventative measures of crime such …show more content…

The first principle is that police exist to prevent crime and disorder. This principle is still held by many law enforcement agencies in the U.S., more specifically the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). On the FBI government website under frequently asked questions: What does the FBI stand for? It stated that the purpose of the FBI investigation is to gather facts to solve and prevent crimes. Furthermore, their vision is to stay ahead of the threat. The second principle is that in order for police to perform their duties, they must maintain public approval. The third principle is that police must have the public’s cooperation to maintain public respect. These principles can also be observed on the FBI website as it is expressed that their mission is to strengthen confidence and trust. Fourth is the need to use physical force by police is reduced through public cooperation. Fifth is that police maintain public standing by demonstrating impartial service to all individuals regardless of race or social standing. Sixth reinforces the use of minimum physical force on any particular occasion to achieve a police objective. Peel’s fourth and sixth principles can be observed in many agencies across the board. Many law enforcement agencies have implemented the use of batons and tasers before their officers draw their guns. In the FBI’s FAQ’s, the question of deadly force use by agents is asked. Their response is that deadly force is to be used only when necessary. Seventh communicates that police are members of the public, and the members of the public are the police as they are paid to give full time attention to duties to the general welfare of the community. Eighth states that police are to perform their actions toward their public functions and not assume the powers of the judiciary. For example, under FAQ’s on the FBI website, it is asked What does the FBI do with evidence gathered in an investigation?