Situational Irony In The Lottery

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In the lottery by shirly Jackson the author uses situational irony to describe how things aren't always what they seem and one little thing can turn someone's life upside down. situational irony to get the reader to believe the lottery is a good thing but little do they know it switches into a murder in this small town. The lottery takes place at the town square of a small village. The lottery has been around for many years and resembled tradition in the town. On the day of the lottery everyone was gathered at the town square. Once the lottery began Mr. Summers, who runs the lottery, announced names. As the villagers nervously stepped up they were eager to open the paper. Finally it was time. Everyone opened their paper. Smiles turned upside down and the black dot changed the Hutchinsons life forever. Mrs. Hutchinson, also known as Tessie, drew the black dot. The author writes. “Its tessies,” Mr. Summers said, and his voice was hutches. “Show us her paper, bill”(12). “It's not fair,” Tessie said”(12). In these two quotes Tessie is furiated that she drew the black dot. This does not seem normal if you won a prize or even money but is she is not happy then what did she win? The writes “Tessie …show more content…

One piece of the lottery that kept the most tradition was the black box. The author writes “ the original paraphernalia for the lottery had been put into use even before Old Man Warner, the oldest man in town, was born. Mr. Summers spoke frequently to the villagers about making a new box. But no one liked to upset even as much tradition as was represented by the black box”. This box had been around for so long and represented years of tradition that no one wanted to get a new box. This relates to the lottery and how no one wanted to speak out against the tradition because they were scared to get denied and could even cause