Slaughterhouse Five Or The Children's Crusade By Kurt Vonnegut

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Have you ever gone onto adventure and then everything changes to be the reversal of what you’ve expected? Slaughterhouse Five Or the Children’s Crusade is a book that was written by Kurt Vonnegut. The book was written after the author experienced war in Dresden when he was a prisoner in a slaughterhouse. In his book, Vonnegut uttered how shapeless war is, and expressed his own feelings towards it. The book’s structure was unique, the narrator shifts in time where events happened chaotically. The story is about an American man who’s called Billy Pilgram, he studied optometry in College, he recovered people and helped them. His life continues on until he went to fight the Germans in World war II. During the war, he was captured by Germans and …show more content…

In the first chapter of the book, Kurt Vonnegut wanted to write a book about the Bombing of Dresden, he asked his friend’s help, Muller O’hare. He went to his house and talked with him, he was with him when they were in Dresden in the Camp. Muller’s Wife Marry, patronized Vonnegut. Vonnegut didn’t know why he hated him, meanwhile he asked her. She told him that she’s afraid of war to do something for her kids. He understands how she’s nervous about the future of her kids, and he named the book after that event, The Children’s Crusade. Furthermore, Billy made acquaintances with prisoners, the first one that he was introduced to was Weary, who found Billy behind enemy lines. Weary was evil, which torture was his entertainment, he blamed Billy for many things. When they were in Germany, Weary died and said in a paper that Billy was the reason for his death. Weary’s friend Paul Lazzaro, promised Billy to kill him for Weary’s death and which what he did in the future. The author describes part of his death, as Lazzaro states “Anybody ever asks you what the sweetest thing in life is, it’s revenge” (Vonnegut, Chapter 6). As Lazzaro promised Billy to kill him for Weary’s revenge, he was in Chicago, where Billy talks in a studio. When Billy left, a shot killed Billy and Lazzaro was the one who killed him. That’s how the war made enemies with Billy and they had a change in …show more content…

The book was an anti-war novel and it was more symbolic. At his daughters’ wedding, Billy said that he was kidnapped from the Trafaldamorians and took him to their planet. The symbolic thing about these aliens that they are the Germans in Billy’s real life. Billy describes them like the Germans when they took him as a prisoner, just like the Trafalmadorians, they kidnaped Billy and kept him in the zoo. Billy’s events that happened in his life also happened in Trafalmador. They took his clothes as the Germans did, and they didn’t respond to his questions. Furthermore, he started to learn things from them and what are their responses about things. When Billy narrates “If what Billy Pilgrim learned from the Tralfamadorians is true, that we will all live forever, no matter how dead, we may sometimes seem to be, I am not overjoyed. Still—if I am going to spend eternity visiting this moment and that, I’m grateful that so many of those moments are nice” (Vonnegut, Chapter 10). Billy after the was and what he experienced was different. He sees life as meaningless and dissipation. He described the aliens as different from humans, they live free and discard death. When Billy says things about the Trafalmodarians on the radio, his daughter thought that he’s insane, but these aliens actually explicit Billy’s life on Earth. That’s how war affected Billy and made