
Slavery Argumentative Analysis

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America, the land of the free and the home of the brave. What is Freedom? What is this land we call free? America is an immigrant country full of immigrants and natives attempting to live “The American Dream.” We came from all over the world and yet we still prioritize certain races over others. As Americans, we the people have an urgency to combine as one nation, together, under God to stop discrimination. It first began in Jamestown, Virginia in 1619 when the first “slaves” were brought over during the Columbian Exchange to aid with lucrative crops. It was a part of the transition from the “Old World” to the “New World.” Slavery generated The Civil War. A war between the North and the South over whether or not to possess slaves. Slavery has been claimed to be abolished according to the Thirteenth Amendment but the discrimination and racism lives on. Just last year riots destroying Ferguson, Missouri with two dozen buildings burned down and protests of citizens relating to the incident on August 9, 2014 when Michael Brown, an unarmed teenager, was shot dead by police officer Darren Wilson. The incident in Ferguson started off as a simple robbery and lead into a racial issue between the police force and the black community. Police officer Darren Wilson …show more content…

A school should be the first place where racial differences should be overlooked and yet the school system wants to categorize its students by race. If a school is allowed to segregate its students, how are we the people supposed to be non discriminative? If we can’t get ethnicity forms out of schools to put a halt to the segregation in the schools, how does America claim to have gotten away from their discrimination and segregation times? America as a country needs to stop organizing and categorizing itself through

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