Slavery During The Colonial Era

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Methods of Enslavement during the Colonial Periods
Of the many ways that were used by colonialist to make others slaves, creating wars between conflicting tribes was one of the methods. Colonialism spread across Africa, America, Caribbean regions, Middle East, and Asia. In addition, colonialists introduced various mechanisms that devoured rights of slaves and expanded the power of the then ruling classes. For instance, there are laws that denied slaves to own property, but on the other hand, allowed colonialists to possess mass lands and buy slaves to work on these farms [William Few, Slavery in the Early Republic, paragraph 4]. However, despite the success by colonialists to enslave native tribes, a wave of resistance from slaves spread in …show more content…

For instance, in 1750s, Delegates from Georgia vehemently opposed importation of slaves from the west; despite the fact that it was the only state that was permitted to legally import slaves. The reason why Georgia was opposed to importing slaves from Spain and India was the Haitian Revolution, which had resulted in slaves resisting against the rule of colonialists [William Few, Slavery in the Early Republic, paragraph 3]. The state introduced laws that barred importation of slaves from these regions, and instead, allowed that slaves be imported from other states where slaves had “good character”. The law also encouraged colony settlers to import slaves from other states because such slaves were not concerned in any insurrection. Enactment of these laws made colony settlers target Africans as the best objects for slavery, which reopened African slave trade, and 40,000 African slaves were imported in United States between 1803 and 1808 [William Few, Slavery in the Early Republic, paragraph 4]. Therefore, some of the reasons that led to enslavement of Africans in the United States were that colony settlers were afraid of recurrence of slave revolts from the Indian and Spanish slaves, enactment of law that encouraged colonialists to choose Africans for slavery, and the need to expand plantation economy. However, there are other reasons that led to enslavement of Africans in the United States. For instance, there was a growing …show more content…

For instance, in 1819, the federal government established the “Civilization Fund Act”, which assisted white missionaries to build schools for Indians in an effort to reduce extinction of the tribe. For introducing the habits and arts of civilization, Indians were able to learn new habits and conditions as those in white dominated cultures. For instance, Indian children were taught how to read and write in an effort to adjoin with the frontiers of the United States. In addition, assimilating ways of the white Americans settlers came with other benefits such as learning new modes of agriculture [Civilization Fund Act, The Missionary Impulse, paragraph