Slavery In America Documentary Analysis

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Slavery in America is one of the most controversial and misunderstood topics. The documentary Unchained Memories is a valuable film that depicts the reality of slavery. This documentary is a collection of interviews of ex-slaves, the documentary tells personal stories of life on the plantation. These personal narratives tell the uncensored truth of a time which is only briefly mentioned in most history books and gives first-hand examples of the hardships endured by the slaves. The documentary had a small but important impact on my knowledge of American Slavery. Prior to watching the film, I was already aware of some details of slavery and had a decent understanding of the hardships the endured. The documentary added a to my knowledge with the personal accounts of events the ex-slaves had. The documentary provided more examples of the harsh reality of slaving and shed light on the people's true emotions towards slavery and their freedom. The story of Rosa Maddox is a prime example, …show more content…

The main reason I believe the film is accurate is because in between stories you see the actors and I assume film writers making clarifications in order to depict the stories correctly. Another factor I noticed is the pictures that were used. There were more original photos of slaves than the typical drawings that are used. One picture that stood out the most, was of the books that tracked how much each slave was sold for and their different specialties. This documentary was informative and eye-opening. The film not only presents the facts but it is in touch with the emotions of the people. This film is the first I’ve seen that has touched more than the surface of slavery and it made me feel connected to these slaves. In conclusion, I believe this was an amazing film and I appreciate the effort they put into getting an accurate depiction of each