
Slavery In The Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass

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Slavery Essay When one considers the Declaration of Independence, equality, and rights are two principles that are believed to be granted to all. Equality can be defined as everyone having the same thing while rights are granted to you that can’t be taken away. However, Frederick Douglass would not agree with this aligns with slavery. In his narrative, he tells the story of how slaves were treated. Also how slavery is not right and doesn’t follow the Declaration of Independence. According to Douglass, slavery lacks the rights and equality stated in the Declaration of Independence. In his narrative, Frederick Douglass shows that slavery does not align with the principles of equality and rights as stated in the Declaration of Independence. In the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, Douglass shares that slaves are not equal. In Chapter 2, Douglass claims that slaves didn’t have the proper living condition. Douglass states, “ there were no beds given the slaves…” (30). This shows that the slaves had to sleep on the floor while slaveholders had beds. In addition, the narrative continues with slaves not …show more content…

In Chapter 10, Douglass fails to make an escape from slavery. Douglass explains “ They at once seized me, and, without giving me any satisfaction, tied me - lashing my hands closely together” (96). This confirms that slaves don’t have the right to be free. Furthermore, the narrative continues with Douglass learning how to read and write. Douglass suggests “He would at once become unmanageable, and no value to his master” (51). This proves that slaves don’t know how to read and write. Finally, in Chapter 7, Douglass reads the Columbian Orator and finds the human rights part also the speeches. Douglass implies “ …stolen us from our homes, and in a strange land reduced us to slavery” (57). This shows that slaves are taken from their homes to be

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