Slavery: The Most Significant Conflicts Of African Americans During The Civil War

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The Civil War is one of America’s most significant conflicts in history, the result of the war changed history forever. Slavery was the main reason of the conflict; this war allowed blacks to fight for their rights and prove their worth in the new society that would be the outcome of the war. While the Union was in need as many troops as possible, the concept of black regiments wasn’t well received by some, and as a result, blacks in the military faced multiple injustices. This did not deter soldiers, the ability to fight for their future outweighed the risks and in the end, blacks played a major role in the Confederate defeat. Racism Black soldiers who joined the civil war were not free of discrimination once they joined the Union Army. It was incredibly difficult for a black soldier to get promoted in the racial climate at the time; other Union soldiers saw blacks as inferior and couldn't stand the sight of them in higher positions. This is an example of common dialogue between officers who were debating on the matter on blacks being promoted, “he was a Negro and they [do] not want a Negro doctor, neither did they want a Negro officer” (Jenkins 28). This did not cause blacks …show more content…

In retaliation to this threat, Union officers warned that they would begin utilizing the same practices that the confederates had ordered; on any Confederate soldier they captured (Jenkins 37). For a period of time, both sides committed significant war crimes; while these war crimes spread fear to the Confederate soldiers, they sparked fiery and courage in the black soldiers, seeing that slavery was worse than death, they fought not fearing it. Despite these hazards, blacks faced, they still continued to fight in hopes of creating a better future for