Sleep Dealer Movie Analysis

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In the film Sleep Dealer, Technological connects have a negative effect on human connections. In the world that the film takes place in, everything relies on node connections with most developed country being connected through Sleep Dealers. The problem with this however, is when nodes and technology become so heavily relied upon, it alters the way people interact and actually disconnects people. Although the characters are literally connected, they are disconnected from reality and others. This is shown through the interactions between Memo and Luz, the actions and thoughts of Memo, and the environment the characters live in. In the film, Memo is literally connected by cables attached to nodes which have been inserted into his body, he works physically in a factory where other Mexicans plug into or “connect” to the network. Many scenes show the robot that Memo controls as well as other robots through this connection, on a construction site in San Diego. Memo works at the Sleep Dealer factory with many other workers, but no one seems to interact and connect with each other, they are each in their own virtual space. Although Memo and the others workers are physically close to to each other, they farther than ever. In the film, Luz explains her saved memories to Memo, she states, “I hate that there 's so much distance between …show more content…

He stares into the water wondering what he is doing in Tijuana. This is when Memo realises how travelling to Tijuana and connecting to the virtual world may have been a mistake.questioning why is he is Tijuana. There is a fenced border, separating Tijuana and American, which may represent how he is almost stuck in the connected world and cannot get back to normal reality. He stares into the ocean as if he finally realizes the meaninglessness of his life that has been caused by spending so much time connected to