Sleep Deprivation In School-Induced Zombies

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School-Induced Zombies Plaguing cities and schools near you, an infection is attacking students of all ages [Your opening sentence was concise and also is interesting so it pulls the reader into the essay. Nice job!]. When summer ends and August rolls around, students from all schools, [Sentence structure: You don’t need a comma here.] become irritable, moody, sluggish, and have a lack of attention. If this describes you, you may have contracted sleep deprivation. This is very common in students who try to balance big homework loads, extracurricular activities, and a social life. Sleep deprivation is dangerous because it creates a higher risks [Grammar: Carefully read to make sure that subjects-predicates match (plurals versus singular)] for …show more content…

The majority of students who are affected by this are those who are in honor classes, advanced placement classes, or any college class. These students have multiple assignments on, what it seems like, a daily basis. Grades are of the utmost importance to these students, so it is not rare for them to stay up all night and wake up at six in the morning to get ready for school. As stated in the previous paragraph, sleep deprivation causes a lack of attention. As humans, we function based off of our senses. When sleep is reduced, those senses are affected because we cannot pay attention to them anymore. This can affect the students focus during quizzes, exams, and regular class. This happened to one of my friends, Allie. Allie was a straight-A student from kindergarten through middle school. When she came to high school, the workload had a huge effect on her performance for tests. She would study all night for one exam and average around a C grade. She was unfocused through every test. When those vital senses are at low functioning ability, it becomes a difficult task to remember all the crammed information from the night before, as seen from my friend …show more content…

Psychologists have found that with lack of sleep comes ill-functioning long and short-term memory, and mania. When our memory becomes shot, our ability to do some complex tasks and to learn new skills becomes much harder than if we were to get enough sleep. If you are a student who stays up till 4 am to write their paper, to study for the big exam, or to complete a project, you could even experience a slight form of insanity. Some of the symptoms of insanity, or mania, include: psychosis, paranoia, aggression, and hallucinations. This was very clear in my friend Ben, who took all honors and advanced placement exams. He would stay up all night, come to school with big, and dark bags under his eyes. He would always be irritated, worried, and would “zone out” during class and tests. This becomes more noticeable when the work becomes greater, the sleep becomes less, and the nights become