
Slut And 49 Other Double Standards Every Woman Should Know Summary

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The book I chose to read is by Jessica Valenti, “He’s a Stud, She’s a Slut and 49 Other Double Standards Every Woman Should Know.” Valenti is a feminist writer who has wrote several books regarding feminism. So, why is she a feminist? Jessica does not agree with the unfairness that is thrown our way in our day of time and believes that whether you agree or disagree with feminism, there are specific double standards and disparities that cannot be disregarded. Just like Jessica, I believe that we need to drop the barriers and move away from the double standards that are implanted into our society. The reason I chose this book is because I am a feminist. I believe that that there should be equality of the sexes and I do not believe that one gender …show more content…

This double standard ties in with the smart or pretty double standard. To simply put it, women can only be smart or pretty, they cannot be both. Men, on the other hand, can be smart and hot they do not have to pick between the two choices. We see this stereotype on television and in movies, but at this age in time many characters are starting to challenge this standard. For instance, in the beginning of the movie, “The House Bunny” the main character is seen as the hot girl with big boobs, but it is as if she does not have a brain. Towards the end of the movie she shows everyone that in fact she is smart despite what people thought. Regrettably, there are consequences to this stereotype. Women think that to be attractive they must be dumb or just outright not show how smart they really are. Jessica describes 35% of women admitted to pretending to be dumber than they actually were. Valenti suggests that we start letting girls know that they can be smart and look good simultaneously. We need to speak up when girls make smart …show more content…

Valenti (2008) states, “I hate the idea that women shouldn’t do things on their own (for safety reasons) or that if we do (like go to a bar alone) we’re pathetic” (p. 106). Apparently, if a girl is alone it means they are open for business meaning guys can come up to them without it being wrong, but if a guy is with the girl it means they are not open for business. Jessica points out that victim blaming is still ongoing when it comes down to rape victims, such as the woman was alone. It is the idea that women need to rely on men to be safe and do things. Thus, a designer invented a dress that can change into a vending machine costume that way women can be unrecognizable when walking home alone. Fortunately, women are defying this double standard. Women are now doing more on their own: traveling alone, eating alone, going to movies alone, living alone, etc. So, what to do? She explains that it is traditional stereotypes that are telling women they need to rely on men, but they do not need to. If you want to do something by yourself, do it. If you want to do something with another person, do it. Do not let living in fear control

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