Essay On Class Size

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Think back to elementary school classrooms and sit down in those tiny chairs and think to about, how did students ever sit in this little chair? Then the thought of, what if they still had to do this they would be so scrunched and uncomfortable. Well it doesn’t just take the little chairs anymore to make the students and teachers feel like they don’t have the space they need. Half of schools say that as a new class comes in they continue to add almost three students per classroom (J. Higgins). This makes for less work space and focused students. Over the years, class sizes have been on a continuously incline, but due to this many problems have started to occur in and out of the classroom. Schools began to assess the issue when they realized …show more content…

Through the struggle between studies and class sizes, they are trying to resolve the problem, to get all students back into a good learning environment. Good learning environments boost a child's self-esteem as well as make them a better person overall. Larger classroom settings allow children to hide and not get the full potential out of there schooling which can affect them in the long run, like in college and other trades. (“Taking Sides”). All through growing up, students are trying to figure out who they are, how to act, and what they are …show more content…

Higgins). This is because with larger sizes teachers tend to have chemicals and equipment that may be harmful if not used correctly. These teachers have stated that since they have these supplies with a large classroom, it’s hard to make sure everyone is being responsible. With these difficulties stress is produced by both the teacher and the students. With stress like this being passed back and forth between the teacher and the student, causing it to be a hard year for