Small Farmer Beliefs

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Even though East Tennessee has developed into an urban area over the last 18 years, I am fortunate to have been raised on a farm in the heart of the tri-cities. Typical farm life cultural values include the utmost reverence for family, faith, hard work, and individualism. With my immediate and extended family, I am a small farmer and the things that I value most in life are family, faith, friends, and my animals on the farm. The myth that small farmers are not intelligent or important is not true. Small farmers are very important for many reasons they keep farming alive for the future generations to come, they produce local food supplies, they are self-reliant independent individuals but believe in helping their neighbors. Small farmers are intelligent, common people who have diverse cultural values and are very important to the community. Small Farmers are the backbone of agriculture because of their impact on local society. As the heart of the buy local movement, many small farmers provide food directly to the consumer and develop one –on-one relationships with their customers (Robin, W.L). Small farmers keep farming alive from generation to generation. Small Farmers are very important to the local economy. The myth that small farmers are not important is incorrect. Without farmers, we would not have access to …show more content…

In one instance, the Bell Witch recited two different pastor’s sermons when they were given at the exact same time thirteen miles apart. According to the myth of the Bell Witch, she was of another world (Fitzhugh, Pat). Grandma also told me stories about my mom having a dream that my brother fell off of the truck and broke his arm and he did the next afternoon. My mom also dreamed that my cousin Chris had a bad wreck and he did the next day. Is there an otherworldly presence in the mountains that can allow strange things to be