Smallpox Vaccine Pros And Cons Essay

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In today’s day and age, vaccines have come against immense pressure, but the fact still remains - vaccinations are one of the best ways to protect your children. Vaccines were a breakthrough in science and medicine, and over the years vaccines have saved thousands of lives across the world. Ever since Edward Jenner first discovered the Smallpox vaccine, this incredible technology has been used to cure disease and even eradicate viruses across the globe. However, today, in this world that wages war against truth and science, some scorn at the prospect of these lifesaving protections, calling them poison. Opponents of vaccines argue that vaccines can cause cancer, is a hoax to eliminate the population, or even claim they cause autism. Contrary to these …show more content…

Scientists agree that these claims are preposterous, and any sign of disease usually based on other natural causes. The strain of the virus used in the vaccine is dead and so insignificant that the chance of catching the disease from the vaccine is near impossible. The vaccine ingredients are also safe, no matter what the rumors about dangerous materials in these medicines. The FDA has undergone strict testing on each ingredient of every vaccine, to make sure every dose is safe. The fact is, most Americans actually support vaccines and its benefits. A large majority of citizens(88%), believe that the positive effects of vaccines far outweigh the potential side effects. People across the country agree that not vaccinating is a larger health risk than vaccinating could ever pose, and nearly 82% of citizens believe that all schoolchildren should be vaccinated. However, there is a divide in opinions on vaccination based on race and familial situation, but research has shown that no matter the demographic or age, the overwhelming majority support vaccines. Sadly, there is still some uncertainty about trusting scientists among some Americans, but thankfully, the vast majority of people still believe in the power of

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