Soccer And The Smuggling Of Drugs In Colombia

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Soccer and the smuggling of drugs in Colombia shape and define the culture because of the overlapping criteria created by powerful people. These two distinctly different topics and be compared by learning the background on who controls the groups socially and politically. Overall, soccer is defined by the cocaine drug cartels and the drug cartels can be affected by a soccer game. Soccer in Colombia quickly became a focal point during the 1900s. The British brought soccer to Colombia around 1903 by teaching the railroad workers how to play while passing through different cities. Moreover, by 1909 the first organized fútbul team was officially formed and name the Barranquilla FBC (Ginn 2011). Colombian soccer did not reach the media again until …show more content…

The story goes that Andres was at a club and was pulled into a discussion and then found dead. There is no information on what happened in between the conversation and the murder. The results of Escobar’s murder were found to be related to a drug cartel called the Medellin cartel ran by Pablo Escobar. Pablo Escobar was a drug Lord who also has a love for soccer. He was raised in poverty and was determined as a young child that he would not grow up to be financially unstable like his father. As a young man, he was introduced to numerous different petty crimes that would eventually shape his future for the rest of his life. Pablo saw the increasing market of drug sells and trade, especially cocaine, and dove head first into the industry by becoming a multi-millionaire before the age of 30 years old (Charilaou 2016). The Medellin cartel was dangerously wealthy and powerful that resided in the world. This particular cartel controlled “eighty-percent of the worlds global cocaine market” which allowed for Pablo to do as he pleased (Charilaou 2016). However, Pablo was an extremely violent man. According to the article “The Colombian Cartels,” “During the 1980s, the cartel revolted against the government’s threats to extradite traffickers to the United States. Pablo Escobar is thought to be responsible for the murder of hundreds of government officials, police, prosecutors, …show more content…

After the death of Andres Escobar, the United States and Colombian authorities were more aware how the organizations and how they ran. The younger members of the cartel became frightened and did not pull as risky of moves as the previous members. The cartels were still large and began to shape into “smaller, more controllable groups and began compartmentalizing their responsibilities” (The Colombian Cartel 2014). These roles can include only certain cartels smuggling from distinct places instead of the large cartel moving from place to place. Also, one groups is controls the jungle labs while the other groups deal, etc. Overall, The police in Colombia believes that there are more that 300 active drug smuggling organization happening today (The Colombian Cartel 2014). Indeed, the studying of the history of soccer within Colombia allows for insight in both the political and social world. Powerful drug Lords oversee and control a plethora of different sections of the populations; however, through the deaf of Andres Escobar the realization of politics and sports coincide is

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