Social And Economic Changes In The United States

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Over the decades, the U.S. society has experienced a series of changes in various fields. In terms of the economic development, the power of large corporations continues to grow. Globalization provides a favorable opportunity for huge corporations to trade with companies all over the world. As for political affairs, the government spends more money on social insurance, education, and other welfare payments. However, the effectiveness of the government declines. When it comes to grassroots, the disadvantaged organize social movements to fight for equality, peace, and better conditions. For example, the feminist movement appealed for equal social and political rights with men. Social change is more effective at the economic level because great changes have occurred in the U.S. economic system and economic change can affect political change and social movements.
Economic changes in the U.S. are enormous. With merger, acquisition, and other business activities, lots of giant corporations emerge. Owners of large companies possess over-proportionate wealth and power in the United States society and economy (Harper & Leicht, 2011). In addition, with the success of McDonald’s, McDonaldization has become a business model in which everything, from recipes and ingredients to management …show more content…

has changed the way people live and make decisions. The increasing power of giant companies limits people’s choices. For example, Walmart is dominant in the United States’ retail industry. When people go shopping, they do not have lots of choices. Besides, economic globalization has caused problems in the U.S. society. Some economists believe that outsourcing jobs “puts enormous downward pressure on American wages” and negatively affect the society (Harper & Leicht, 2011, p. 113). Workers in developing countries can provide similar service but at a lower price. In this way, they may take Americans’ job away and globalization may reduce the salary of