Social Changes In Canada Essay

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Canadian history has gone through many periods of great political, economic, and social change. The changes between 1914-1929 were a revolutionary era of Canada’s history. This put a lot of stress on the country, but lead to many positive outcomes. Canada’s financial state greatly changed in the time leading up to the great depression. In efforts to pay for the war Victory loans were introduced. These became very popular in Canada, “the nation’s jubilance over the winning of the war so splendidly reflected in the spectacular success of the 1918 Victory Loan” . Victory loans allowed people unable to fight in the front line a chance to help, and attributed to the countries over whelming joy when they won the war. Another change was that Canada removed the “Gold Standard” in 1914 …show more content…

Inventions such as movies, cars, the telephone, and the radio were advancing quickly. As Robert J. Collins put it, “technology bread more technology” . One very important technological advancement was in 1922, when Dr.Banting discovered Insulin. In an article from The Globe and Mail it claimed that T. Marshall and J. W. Curry “thought that Dr. Banting should receive a personal reward. A direct individual recognition of the service he had rendered humanity” This was such a big deal due to the fact many people were dying from diabetes. The radio was also a big deal in the 20’s. Due to the fact that Tv was only just being developed, the only way for people to get news was from the newspaper or the radio. The radio was a much quicker was to spread urgent news, and it was also a source of entertainment for many people. If it weren’t for the huge advancements of technology in the early 20th century who knows where we would be today. The period 1914-1929 was a period of rapid change in Canada. Many great things were done in the short 15 year. All of these changes have affected how our lives here in Canada are