Social Class In The Victorian Era

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Can you imagine being ruled over by an eighteen-year-old? Well, this was the case in 1837, when Victoria became queen of Great Britain. A little more than half of the population was capable of reading and writing. Children as young as five worked in factories and mines (Anderson, prologue). Many of the things that were in use and practiced throughout this era are a part of society nowadays. Society and daily life, along with sports that women were allowed to participate in, played an important role in shaping the identity of the Victorian Era. During this period, Victorians were divided into different social classes. These classes were known as the Upper Class, the Middle Class, and the Working Class. Being in the upper class meant that you didn’t have to work in order to have food on the table. Having a powerful position, those of the Upper class were respected and had the best living conditions, unlike the middle and working classes. Aristocrats, along with Dukes, Nobles and other prosperous families were a part of the Victorian upper class. A lot of Aristocrats didn’t work because their family gathered just enough money in order to live an extravagant life, over the centuries. Upper-class Victorians received the best of the best. Such as the best tutors and expensive clothing that was imported from Europe (“Victorian Era Society and Social Class Structure”).
Due to the fact that those in the upper class were given so much praise and attention, people in the middle