Social Conflict Theory Bystrova And Gottschalk

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What is the social conflict theory? According to Bystrova & Gottschalk (2015), the social conflict theory is based on the premises of Carl Max social theory. Conflict theory is a viewpoint in criminology underscore the political, social, or material disparity of social groups that attract attention to power discrepancies, such as class conflict. Crime stems from struggle between different levels in society powered by a system of supremacy based on dissimilarity, separation, and fairness. The social conflict theory proposed that entities and social classes within society intermingle on the foundation of conflict rather than harmony. The rich and influential in the upper class makes the rules and determine what is right or wrong and are in control …show more content…

According to Bystrova & Gottschalk (2015), since white-collar crime are committed by middle and upper class, it seems to challenge social conflict theory. There are no motives why the affluent and potent would like to see regulations that turn their own movements to systematic criminal wrongdoings. When Sutherland first present theory of white-collar crime in 1939, it was debatable, predominantly since many of the scholars in the spectators viewed themselves to be associates of the upper class in American society. The presentation was at the American Sociological Association where Sutherland gave his speech on theory of white-collar crime. What was found to be the utmost fascinating feature of Sutherland's work is that an academic needed to declare that crime of the upper socio-economic class is in fact lawbreaking that should be indicted. It is obvious that before the coining of the term “white-collar crime,” the affluence and powerful permitted many people to get away with criminal charge. Consequently, Sutherland's contribution to white-collar crime seems to fit with conflict theory, where he argued that the level of conflict in society by describing understandable inexcusable wrongdoing by advantaged individuals as regular