
Social Conflict Theory: Direct Link To Crimes

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Social conflict theory is based on the idea of that there are different social classes within any society. The classes make up two groups. Those groups consist of the wealthy and the poor. Basically the theory says the rich uses their power and supremacy to oppress the poor and keep them poor. Often this form control is enforced by savagely violent methods. Although there are times that the power money brings is used. Money is also believed to be the source of social disorder. Modern society mimics this theory in many different social economic places on the map. Observing closely, you will notice that social conflict is all around. This theory has a direct link to crimes rates in many neighborhoods’ who are at a social economic disadvantage. Social disorganization is …show more content…

Which would their age, and gender. As an example, if a youth is from a neighborhood that is riddled with gang activity he or she will participate as well. In addition, the residence of neighbor will condone the behavior of these youths. When social organizations are not able to control groups or individuals from committing crimes or other deviant behavior this is disorganization theory. In Social Disorganization Theory it is argued that gangs will organize in a weakly controlled environment. (Bartol, 2011). Also where you live will shape how we live. The intention of this theory is to only have it apply to street crimes only being at the neighborhood level. Outside the neighborhood setting this theory does not apply. Rational choice theory, is when an alleged criminal commits a crime, but they assess the benefits verses the out- come of the crime in the beginning. Conflict theory is based on making a rational decision before committing a crime based on cost benefit analysis. The would-be offender will weigh the costs of committing a particular

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