Social Darwinism And Eugenics Essay

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The concept of Social Darwinism and Eugenics are not concepts I have not heard before, but they are ones that still shock me to read about. At the time, people thought the eugenics movement was one that people thought was in their best interest and the intent was to do good. Eugenics blamed mental illness on bad genes and thought that they could “sterilize” them (Image Archive on the American Eugenics Movement, 2017). It is shocking to me how far we have come over the years and how much we have learned about various diagnosis’s. Social Darwinism is the theory that the strong are the ones that survive. My reaction to this is that in a way, it is true because I believe in the theory that we aren’t given anything that we cannot handle. Therefore, we are all strong in our own way. My learning goals are to become more familiar with the policies that began social work and how they have evolved over the years. It is tremendously important to study how we got to the point we are at now. Especially, with social work. Because our views have drastically changed over the years. It makes me wonder if our views and knowledge will continue to change exponentially. The materials …show more content…

I became familiar of what the concept is. I have studied ecology in the past, but not specifically in regards to social work. Upon studying the concept, I learned about the overall concept which is that we look at how each of the smaller parts of something come together and how it preforms overall (Link, 2016). The concept allowed me to see how much the smaller things in a group come together to preform ideally overall. The concept of ecology is what resonated and effected me the most out of the learning material assigned this week. It is an incredibly valuable concept to think about and study. It is one that social workers need to be familiar with to pass down the concepts to the people they work

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