Susan's Case Study Essay

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In the case study, I would like to use several theories and concepts to analysis the case of Susan. I would briefly analysis the case by using social ecological theory and analysis in detail by using the relevant theories. According to the social ecological theory, the child development is supported by five subsystems, including the microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem and chronosystem (Bronfenbrenner, 1979). Microsystem is related to the child has direct interaction with, including classmates and parents. In Susan’s case, she faces difficulties with her new classmates. No one willing to play with her and thus she hide herself and doing nothing while in the recess and lunch time. Also, she does not have good with relationship with her parents and does not talk with her parents even she faces the difficulties. The mesosystem is related to the interaction between microsystem. In Susan’s case, her parents are in Susan’s mesosystem. Her parents have bad relationship, …show more content…

The spillover effect, which means the mood or behavior in one subsystem will transfer to another subsystem, will happen and it will have negatively affect the children. Davis and Cummings (1994) propose the quality of the marital relationship may drives the emotional security of the children. The emotional security will influence regulation of the emotion, the motivation and family relationship. Children may have low level of expressing their feelings and high level of withdraw from interaction with other (Katz & Woodin, 2002). In Susan’s situation, she does not dare to share the difficulties that she is facing in school. Although she feels scared and guilty because of her parent’s fighting, she tries to keep looking cool and disengaged in his