Social Impact Theory: The Theory Of Spiral Of Silence Theory

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Like political culture and the public political efficacy, perception/ public opinion can be influenced by the individual efficacy and the media effects, Lindsay Hoffman observes that, despite the media flow in content, media have a chance in setting public agenda and orientation beyond individual characteristics; individuals might interpret information differently to create contextual data. Other theorists argue about the role played by bureaucrats in influencing public perception, they ascertain that politicians and bureaucrats play an important role in manufacturing public opinion through a series of activities ranging from channeling televised programs, visits, and engaging in activities to mold certain orientation. 2.3.1 Spiral of Silence Theory The theory of Spiral of Silence was founded by Elizabeth Noelle-Neumann to entail the process of public opinion formation whereby an individual will refrain from expressing opinion whenever he/ she faces uncertainty over his viewpoints. The lack of self certainty is said to be influenced by social environment; Social environment is more influenced by media, and individuals who …show more content…

Social impact refers to any influence on individual feelings, thoughts or behavior as implied by the actions of others. Social Impact Theory (SIT) relates to the influence that group or society has on individual at a given time, the influence depends on the strength, the magnitude of persuasion and the closeness with the sources. The theory posits that people are not only the recipients of social impacts but also the participants in formulating the social environment. People’s orientation towards a certain agenda depend on the degree of involvement they have and the quality of the issue at hand, however when people have low involvement, the persuasion is influenced by peripheral