Social Inequality In The Wire

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In this episode of The Wire Omar wants revenge for the death of his boyfriend and starts killing Avon Barksdale’s people. Omar was going to go against Avon Barksdale in court but now the police won’t be able to use him in court. D’Angelo is starting to second guess being in the gang. When he was at a party he found a dead girl while his other friends acted like it wasn’t a big deal. Then his friends started getting shot because of Omar. McNutly was able to get a license plate number off a car the Stringer Bell uses. Stringer Bell has been going to a community college and uses the car to drive there. In chapter eight of Social Inequality: Forms, Causes, and Consequences discuss racial and ethnic inequality. Racism has always been a conflict in history and still is present today. Native Americans, Blacks and Hispanics are widely discriminated against. Race is thought of being in reference to non-White people. Laws have been passed to try and create equality among all races. There is still inequality based on race today and is becoming a major topic in the United States. Race is a prominent factor in The Wire. Kima Greggs is the only Black woman in the police unit. Police work is seen as being a man’s job and not a place for woman. Hurt states, “Blacks and Hispanics, especially women, are overrepresented in the service sector of the economy”(Hurst 189). Kima is going against the stereotype of women working in the service jobs. She does not get the same amount of respect compared to the male officers. Detective Hauk and Carver do not …show more content…

Whites are privileged compared to Native Americans, Hispanics and Blacks. Many Black members in the police unit go against the norm and are in positions of power. The gang is seen as having less education and employment. Many of the lower level gang members are in opposite positions compared to Deputy Commissioner Burrell, Lieutenant Daniels and Detective Kima