Social Issues In Virginia Woolf's To The Lighthouse

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This chapter provides a review of available literature on social issues in To the Lighthouse. The basic focus is on the social issues related to every character in the novel. Issues like feminism, marriages, death, vision, religious doubts, optimism, pessimism, materialism etc. The relative work is connected to the objectives of the study. Mrs. Ramsay uniting family, and Charles Tansley religious doubts and degrading women, and Lily’s painting, similarly the marriages of Victorian and Modern Age through the characters of To the Lighthouse, and at the end how they all deal and respond to all these different social issues. The death of Edward’s mother, Queen Victoria, means the end of the Victorian age. Edward’s reign and rule was short i.e. (1901-1910), however for people who attended the period, it was completely different from its previous era. It was the beginning of a new era named “The Modern Age” or the world before and after the Great War. Throughout Woolf’s life, she had many periods of depressions, though also a love life with males and females. Critics like Eileen Barret and Patricia Cramer declare that Woolf has incorporated many of her own experiences in her fictional works. This novel is also autobiographical. Throughout history, women have been locked in a struggle to free themselves from the borderline that separates and differentiate themselves from men. In many circles, it is agreed that the battleground for this struggle and fight exists in literature. In a