
Social Justice Core Professional Values Essay

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Social Justice as a Core Professional Value
Social justice is foundational to counselling psychology. To me, social justice is more complex than ensuring every human is equal. It goes beyond equality to include, equal distribution of privilege, steadfast social inclusion and decreed anti-oppressive practices in counselling. As a core professional value, practicing social justice will eradicate oppression and ensure an egalitarian society. As a prospective counsellor, to develop an affirmative practice, I will continue to endorse social change and embrace my role as an advocate for social equity. Consequently, I will honorably take responsibility for furthering social change and will emphasize it in my practice. I will include social justice into my counselling practice through awareness raising, educating clients of systemic oppression and barriers, and inspire clients to collaborate with me to find ways I can use my privilege to advocate on their behalf.
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Subsequently, an anti-oppressive professional stance reaffirms that I am responsible for advocating for social justice. Likewise, I believe it is my responsibility to be an ally for clients who are marginalized. Admittedly, I wholeheartedly embrace an anti-oppressive practice and vow to continually identify and work to dismantle, power imbalances affecting clients who are marginalized. When I engage in social justice I respectively educate clients about social oppression, consequently promoting equal opportunity. By promoting equal opportunity, I contribute to developing an egalitarian society. An anti-oppressive stance aligns with my personal values. For example, I believe that all people deserve to be heard, ought to be treated with dignity, possess rights to self-determination and must have equal access to

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