Social Media As An Intern For Care Highway International

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Welcome to the instruction manual for how to manage social media accounts as an intern for Care Highway International (CHI). This manual will teach you how to be a successful social media intern. What does this mean? Throughout this manual, you will learn how to use TweetDeck and the CHI Facebook page, what kinds of posts/tweets are effective, and how to set up Google Alerts for news that is relative to CHI. What is Social Media Social media is quickly becoming one of the speediest and most effective forms of communication. What makes social media so unique is that is manages to be a communication platform that reaches all audiences, from teenagers all the way to adults in the workforce. Social media’s casual way of communicating is what …show more content…

• Be courteous. • Be professional. • Only tweet or post information that is relevant to Care Highway International’s platform. • Use hashtags! Especially on Twitter, hashtags are extremely popular and are a great way to get slogans and catchphrases to stick in people’s heads. • Quote an article you are posting. If you are sharing an article or a link to a site, tease your audience with a tidbit quote to draw them in. Don’ts of Twitter and Facebook • Don’t use foul language. If you are posting on behalf of someone else, your language is not necessarily your own. Just because you have no problem with using bad language, does not mean the company you post/tweet for doesn’t either. Plus, swear words degrade the effectiveness of your information. • Don’t “follow” or “like” other pages or people without express permission from your superior or unless it is pertinent to your company’s platform. • Don’t like, retweet or share your own posts. • Don’t share too much. You want the info you post to be shared enough that people are interested, but not so that they are constantly scrolling through it to get to other …show more content…

It may seem daunting, thinking about all the news articles you will have to sift through. Never fear, that’s why Google Alerts were invented. 1. 2. In the search bar, type in what you want a google alert about. TIP: Try something like, “Poverty in Kenya”, “Water Crisis in Kenya”. 3. If you type an alert title into the search bar, it will give you a preview of what kind of information you can expect from that specific search. 4. From here, you can determine how often you want to receive your alerts, what sources you want, the language, region, what type of results, and what email address you want it delivered to. Conclusion As you navigate the world of social media, particularly for a business, always be mindful of your footprint, and what kind of presence you are establishing. Remember that you are posting on behalf of someone else; therefore, you must be especially aware of your words and actions on social

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