Social Media Has Created Jealous Behavior Over Illusions

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"Social media has created jealous behavior over illusions. Sadly some are envious things, relationships, and life styles that don't even exist." Social media and texting has hurt the loves of teenagers. This essay is intended to persuade parents, teenagers, social media directors, and parents to stop making and using social media sites so much everyday. Teenagers should stop using so much social media because it has been proven by researchers that social media is the number one cause of depression in teenagers. Social media has also caused people to hurt themselves such as cutting, bruising, stop eating or eating more, and even commiting suicide because of cyber bullying. It can even lead to some teenagers to stop being friends with their best friend. …show more content…

A research team at the university of Pittsburgh has proven that social media is the number one cause of depression in teenagers. The team recruited 1,787 Americans between the ages of 19 and 32 that each filled out a questionnaire in 2014. The questionnaire showed that the Americans use social media about 30 times a day. The team then had all of them take a test to see how many of them suffer from or on the verge of depression. The team has figured out that those who checked their social media more frequently are 2.7 times per day are more likely to become depressed. Social media has caused teenagers to hurt themselves or kill themselves over cyber bullying. In 2003, a 13 year old boy named Ryan Halligan was ridiculed and humiliated by his peers, after months of getting bullied he finally came up with a solution to solve all his problems which was to commit suicide. This is only a jist of what happened. Now you know that this can even happen to someone that is your own age. When I was younger my older sister got bullied over the internet. She stopped eating and almost committed suicide, but now she is healthy and she has tons of

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