Social Media Risks In Nursing

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The purpose of the following essay will identify and explain two possible opportunities and risks regarding the use of social media that may present itself to a nurse, and will endeavour to provide recommendations for a nurse to maintain professionalism when engaging online within legal, ethical and professional standards of practise. (National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN), 2011) A definition of social media is, “a web based mobile application that allows individuals and organisations to create, engage and share, new user generated or existing content in digital environments through multi-way communication” (Davis). With access to the internet no longer restricted to the confines of a desk, mobile digital handheld devices, allow a constant contribution from user participation in real time forums. (Boyd, 2007). As the digital arena grows expediently, so too does the media platforms. Applications can be downloaded straight to the device for immediate access, and are …show more content…

(Violino, 2011) And the first possible risk is that, with over three billion users online on a daily basis, converging at any instance, there is a high probability of personal and professional boundaries inevitably crossing paths (F; Belbey, 2015). In New Zealand, a nurses standard of practise is monitored by the New Zealand Nurses Council (NZNC), and is supported by the New Zealand Nurses Organisation, (NZNO) and is also regulated by the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003. (Nursing Council of New Zealand, 2012). Both organisations enlist principles and a set of standards and values, outlining the behaviour, conduct and character expected from nurses to encompass, professionally and personally. (Nursing Council of New Zealand,

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