Social Model Vs Medical Model

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The medical model as mentioned before focuses on the person and blames them for not being able to be apart of society. The definition of the medical model is that the impairments should be “fixed” or changed by medical and other treatments, even when the impairment or difference does not cause any pain or illness (Social Model vs. Medical Model). Liz Crow mentions how each disability is different and that people don’t react the same way toward a disability. Liz Crow said,
“Disability is about the reaction and impact of the outside world on our particular bodies. One cannot be fully understood without attention to the other, because whilst they can exist independently of each other, there are also circumstances where they interact. And …show more content…

An example of this is when someone is not sure how to pay rent or live on their own, so the medical model suggest that they live in a communal home (Social Model vs. Medical Model). The perspective of the medical model is not moral to use because it blames the person because they are disabled, like the person had a choice to be or become disabled. According to Carol Jill from the Chicago Institute of Disability Research the medical model portrays disability as an abnormality or deficiency. She also says that being impaired is a negative and it makes people different in a bad way. What most don’t understand is that being different is not always a bad characteristic. People are who they are and they can only change how they react to the world. Another one of her perspective states that the help of a professional is the only way an impaired person can be accepted in society. One point of view of the medical model is that the disabled person’s impairments prevent them from functioning normally, they need caregivers and professionals to make decisions for them. The disabled person is an object of charity and receiver of help. The disabled …show more content…

There is a recognition within the social model that there is a great deal that society can do to reduce, and ultimately remove, some of these disabling barriers, and that this task is the responsibility of society, rather than the person who is disabled (The Social and Medical Model of Disability). This is exactly what society should do. The medical model tries to perfect them and make them normal and this is not moral. This medical model approach is based on a belief that the difficulties associated with the disability should be borne wholly by the disabled person, and that the disabled person should make extra effort (perhaps in time and/or money) to ensure that they do not inconvenience anyone else who is “normal”(The Social and Medical Model of Disability). Society is the reason that the word disables has a negative connotation. Society need to recreate the meaning of disabled is certainly can because of the fact that if you can create it you can destroy it. The social model has served as a new beginning for