Social Relations In Persepolis

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In the graphic novel, Persepolis, the author, Marjane Satrapi, uses language and social relations to achieve understanding of society. Marjane uses a child point-of-view to relay her story. As Marjane grows up she sees the difference between people who follow the new regime and the old regime. The period was during the Iranian Revolution. The revolution lasted just about a year, from January 1978 to February 1979. The goal of the Iranian revolution was to overthrow the Pahlavi Dynasty. Marjane’s parents, grandparents, and uncle were activists during the revolution. Each character in the novel played an important part in Marjane’s perception of the social relations by the role they portrayed in the Iranian revolution. In Iran people either followed the new regime or the old regime. During that time little Marjane Satrapi was exposed to the varying social relations in her society. When Marjane grew older she understood the social relations of society by the new wardrobe forced upon women, boys being trained to be sent to wat at the age of 18, and her family’s part in the revolution. First off, when the new shah was appointed he …show more content…

The graphic novel, Persepolis, is told by a child’s point-of-view. As Marjane grew up she saw the different social relations in the society in Iran. As Marjane grew up she saw the difference between the people who followed the new and old regime. The revolution lasted for about a year. Her family was very important for her view point on the revolution. Each character was very important for her visual on the Iranian revolution. All of the events that happened while she was still living in Iran changed her life and perspective on the world. When Marjane grew older she understood the social relations of society by the new wardrobe forced upon women, boys being trained to be sent to wat at the age of 18, and her family’s part in the

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