Social Security Pros And Cons

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Social security is a federal insurance program that has benefits to retired people and those who are laid-off or disabled. President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Social Security act in 1935. Social Security is formed from cash withheld from a workers check that they can then withdraw after they retire. The Social Security Association is the United States Government's head of the program. The Social Security program's advantages include retirement income, disability income, Medicare and Medicaid, Social Security is one of the biggest government programs within the world, paying out hundreds of billions of dollars each year. Considering the year someone was born, retirement advantages could begin as early as sixty two and as late as seventy. …show more content…

many of those dependents are kids. In fact, according to a report by the Social Security Administration, the program pays additional benefits to children than any other government program does. To qualify for Social Security disability benefits, you need to have worked long enough in jobs covered by Social Security. Then, you need to have a medical condition that meets Social Security's definition of disability. In general, Social Security pays monthly benefits to people that are unable to work for a year or more, or those who have a condition expected to end in death. the disability should be so severe the employee cannot work, considering age, education, and knowledge. about a hundred sixty five million employees currently pay into Social Security. All money paid into the program flows to 2 trust funds command by the united states Treasury: The Old-Age and survivors insurance (OASI) monetary fund and also the disability insurance (DI) monetary fund Of each dollar paid into Social Security, eighty five cents goes to the OASI fund and therefore the remaining fifteen cents move to the DI

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